About SLAM:

SLAM Basketball is a registered non-profit basketball club in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. We offer programs for both boys and girls in U13, U15, and U18 age divisions.

SLAM basketball is driven by three core values; player development, competition, and family.

Player Development:

Fundamental basketball skill, team play, physical training, SLAM basketball is committed to improving the on-court performance of our athletes. More importantly, our coaches are committed to the personal development and maturity of players in our program. 


SLAM teams compete. They compete in tryouts for positions on our teams, they compete in practice to better themselves and their teammates, and they compete against their opponents in games. In our program competition is used as a tool to teach our athletes to strive for goals they never knew they could reach.


We provide a family atmosphere within our individual teams and our club as a whole. Our players grow together through the off-season workouts and competitive season. Our annual Prairie Season Opener tournament provides player families the chance to get to know each other and work together though out our player’s careers. 

A player’s family involvoment is a key component in our SLAM basketball program.

To learn more about SLAM Basketball, including information on how teams are formed and fees, click here.